What Healing Is + What Healing Isn’t

While seeking support from others and using different methods can be beneficial, it's essential to understand that true healing ultimately comes from within oneself. No one else can heal us or save us from our experiences. They can offer guidance, support and tools, but the journey of healing is personal and individual.

Recognizing that you have the power to walk your own path and take responsibility for your healing is empowering. It means acknowledging your own agency and actively engaging in the process of self-discovery and growth. It may involve exploring various techniques, seeking guidance and practicing self-compassion and self-reflection. Remember that healing is a continuous journey, and it requires your active participation and commitment to creating positive change in your life.


The healing journey is not a linear process, but rather an ongoing process of growth and development. It's not about reaching a state of perfection where we are completely impervious to life's challenges and triggers but rather about developing the resilience to navigate them and bounce back when the going gets tough.

Cultivating resilience involves acknowledging that life is full of ups and downs, and as a result, sometimes we may feel overwhelmed or triggered by our experiences. It's about building the capacity to ride the waves of life without giving in to shame or self-blame when we face difficulty. Rather than seeing setbacks as failures, we can learn to use them as opportunities for growth and reflection.

By cultivating resilience, we can develop a sense of inner strength and empowerment that allows us to approach life's challenges with greater ease and confidence, knowing that we have the tools and resources to handle them.

The healing journey is not about striving for perfection, but rather about progress and growth. Perfectionism can create unnecessary pressure, leading to feelings of failure. When we do stumble or miss the mark, it's important to practice self-compassion and understanding, recognizing that setbacks are a natural part of the process.

This is not about becoming invincible! But rather about acknowledging and accepting our human limitations and recognizing when we need the support of others.

Growth and healing require personal effort and commitment. So while therapists and healers can provide guidance and support, they can only meet you as far as you're willing to go on your healing journey. Ultimately, the responsibility lies with you to put in the work and make the necessary changes.

Belief in the possibility of healing is a crucial factor. If you don't believe that healing is possible or that you are worthy, it can hinder the healing process. Your mindset and willingness to envision a better life for yourself plays a significant role. If you cling to self-limiting beliefs or resist the idea of change, it can impede your progress.

If you have the courage to believe that healing is not only possible but your birth right, you already have a powerful foundation for transformation!

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